Portrait of my motherboard

Portrait of my motherboard

A kinetic, fluid installation utilizing peristaltic pumps, translucent sinks, plastic tubing, water, wire rope, light, and shadow, Portrait of My Motherboard functions like a circuit. Water from a sink is sucked into a tube by the vacuum pull of the peristaltic pump and transferred through over 40 feet of plastic tubing, where it drips into the opposing sink. The water levels are balanced so that the circuit can run indefinitely without any overflow. The tubes are positioned meticulously so that the the droplets fall directly onto the openings of the intake tubes, creating air bubbles that delineate the water flow through the tubes. When the droplets fall into the tanks, dramatic kinetic shadows are cast onto the floor as the light is filtered through the blue water. The sink drains are plugged and connected by a static, umbilical chord-like tube in the center filled with various waters and oils. The sound of the installation is serene, echoing water droplets and the buzzing of the dc motors powering the peristaltic pumps. (2018)

Virtual Spirit Manifesto

1.   Human and technological evolution coincide in a reciprocal cycle of creation

2.    In its construction, technology reflects humans

3.    In their construction, humans reflect technology

4.    Both function in a constant exchange between material and immaterial realms

5.    Technological objects generate virtual spaces

       a. Virtual space: artificially constructed immaterial space that contains products of technological engagement

       b. These spaces exist within both the individual and the external virtual realms
6.     Human bodies generate spiritual spaces

        a. Spiritual space: organically constructed  immaterial space that contains products of spiritual engagement

        b. These spaces exist within both the individual and the external spiritual realms

7.     The current evolutionary trajectory points towards a merging of these technological objects and human bodies

8.    The entanglement is already visible

9.     As technological objects and human bodies merge, virtual and spiritual space also merge

10.     The two immaterial realms coalesce into a larger whole
         a. Larger whole: a combination of the expansiveness of the human spirit and its intrinsic entanglement with technology

11.    This synergy informs the everyday experience:

            a.     Emotional
            b.     Sensory
            c.     Inter-personal
            d.     Utilitarian
            e.     Creative 

12.     Technology reinforces humanity, making humans more human, in an eternal circuit of becoming

            a. Eternal circuit of becoming: human and technological evolution coincide in a reciprocal cycle of creation

13.     This is Virtual Spirit